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Resultados de su búsqueda "Cancer: Misc.".

15 Sep

Most People With Acid Reflux Do Not Face Higher Cancer Risk, Study Finds

A new study finds the majority of patients with chronic acid reflux are not at increased risk of developing esophageal cancer.

07 Aug

Depression and Anxiety Do Not Raise Overall Cancer Risk, Study Finds

Researchers find no link between depression, anxiety, and most types of cancer, including breast, prostate, and colon cancers.

Resultados de noticias de salud - 859

Late Cancer Diagnosis Biggest Health Concern for Most, Poll Shows

MONDAY, July 15, 2024 (HealthDay News) — When it comes to health worries, cancer leads the way, a new poll shows. 

The University of Cambridge poll included 2,000 adults who said their biggest concern is getting diagnosed with cancer when it's too late to treat it. Seven in 10 respondents have that fear, while 52% fret about the impact of a cancer diagnosis on loved ones.


Four in 10 Cancer Cases, Nearly Half of Cancer Deaths Linked to Lifestyle

Nearly half of cancer deaths and 4 of 10 cases of cancer are linked to a person’s lifestyle, a new study says.

Cigarette smoking remains the biggest cancer risk, contributing to 30% of cancer deaths and 20% of cancer cases, results show.

But excess body weight, drinking, lack of exercise, diet and skipping cancer-preventing vaccinations also increase a person’s risk of developin...

Wegovy, Ozempic Lower Risk of Many Obesity-Related Cancers

In yet another finding that touts the health benefits of wildly popular weight-loss medications like Wegovy and Ozempic, scientists report that taking the drugs may help reduce the risk of some cancers.

In a study published July 5 in JAMA Network Open, researchers found people with type 2...

Survey Shows Men Need to Do More to Prevent Cancer

American men are blowing their best chance to head off cancer or spot it early, when it's easiest to treat, a new survey warns.

More than 6 in 10 (65%) men in the nationwide survey said they are behind on at least one routine cancer screening, while nearly 1 in 5 admitted they don't even schedule their own health care appointments. 

Those are the key findings from the annual

Mediterranean Diet Ups Survival Odds After Cancer

The Mediterranean diet can help cancer survivors maintain their heart health and live longer, a new study says.

Cancer patients whose eating patterns stuck closely to the Mediterranean diet tended to live longer and have a reduced risk of heart-related death, researchers report in the journa...

Exercise May Prevent the Nerve Damage That Comes With Chemotherapy

Simple exercises performed during rounds of chemotherapy can help people avoid nerve damage normally associated with the cancer-killing drugs, a new study suggests.

About twice as many cancer patients on chemo wound up with long-lasting nerve damage if they didn...

Ultrasound May Be Unreliable in Spotting Endometrial Cancer in Black Women

Ultrasound cannot reliably rule out endometrial cancer in Black women given how readings are now assessed, a new study argues.

Transvaginal ultrasound is commonly used to screen for cancer by measuring the thickness of the endometrium, the inner wall of the uterus.


Common Chemo Drug May Be Linked to Hearing Loss

MONDAY, July 1, 2024 (HealthDay news) -- A 14-year study of testicular cancer survivors suggests that a chemotherapy drug could greatly raise patients' long-term odds for hearing loss.

The drug in question, cisplatin, has been a mainstay of cancer chemotherapy for decades. It's often used to fight a range of cancers, including includ...

Healthy Weight Loss Could Lower Your Odds for Cancer

Losing weight can protect you against cancers related to obesity, a new study finds.

Obesity has been linked to higher risk of at least 13 types of cancer, researchers said. This is largely due to excess levels of hormones like estrogen and insulin.

But study results show that dropping pounds can improve a person’s odds against developing these cancers, including

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • June 25, 2024
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  • Página completa
  • New Hope for People With Aggressive Form of Lymphoma

    An experimental cancer treatment regimen is achieving full remissions in some patients with aggressive B-cell lymphoma, researchers report. 

    The five-drug combination does not include chemotherapy. Rather, it simultaneously zeroes in on several molecular pathways that diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) tumors rely on to survive. B-cell lymphoma is a cancer of cells in the body's i...

    What Are Nicotine Pouches, and Are They Less Harmful Than Smoking?

    Nicotine pouches might be less harmful than smoking or chewing tobacco, but they still pose an addiction risk to users, a new review finds.

    These pouches are filled with crystallized nicotine, and are placed between the gums and lips, researchers said. They are sold in various ...

    'Good Days and Bad:' Catherine, Princess of Wales, Gives Cancer Update

    Catherine, Princess of Wales, has released the first update on her cancer journey since announcing her diagnosis in late March.

    In a message posted to her Instagram account on Friday, the princess, 42, said that, "I am making good progress, but as anyone going through chemotherapy will know, there are good days and bad days. On the ba...

    Swimming 'Microbots' Could Speed Meds to Lung Tumors, Early Study Suggests

    Scientists have developed microscopic robots capable of swimming through the lungs to deliver chemotherapy directly to lung cancer cells.

    In early testing, these microbots  extended the average survival time of lab mice with melanoma that had spread to the lungs, according to a report publis...

    Secondary Tumors After CAR-T Cancer Therapies Are Rare: Study

    CAR-T cell therapy to treat blood cancers is safer than previously thought, with little risk that the immunotherapy will create secondary cancers, a new study finds.

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a warning in November 2023 about a risk of secondary cancers that might be associated with CAR-T cell therapy.

    But a study of more than 700 patients treated at Stanford Univ...

    Just 18% of People Who Need Lung Cancer Screening Get It

    Only a fraction of Americans are getting recommended lung cancer screenings, new research shows.

    While rates overall are up slightly, fewer than 1 in 5 people who are eligible for screening are up-to-date with it, according to the American Cancer Society-led study. 

    The society and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommend a yearly computed tomography (CT) scan for peop...

    Telehealth for Cancer Care Helps Patients, Planet

    Telemedicine visits for cancer care could help save the planet while also making things easier on patients, a new study has found.

    Nationwide, cancer care could generate 33% less greenhouse gas emissions if it shifted to telemedicine from the traditional model of in-patient care, researchers repo...

    Lack of Insurance Keeps Many Americans From Best Cancer Meds

    A cutting-edge class of drugs is saving and extending the lives of cancer patients.

    But the drugs, called immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), are so expensive that some uninsured Americans can't access them, a new report finds.

    New policies are needed "to improve health insurance coverage options and to make new treatments more affordable," the American Cancer Society (ACS) said in...

    Stress, Discrimination Add to Cancer Burden for LGBTQ+ Americans

    While LGBTQ+ people have higher risk factors for cancer, they are apt to face discrimination when in need of high-quality medical care, a new report shows.

    In particular, LGBTQ+ people have to worry that a health care provider will refuse to treat them due to their gender identity and sexual orientation, the American Cancer Society (ACS) report says.

    That concern is particularly val...

    Suicide Rates Among Cancer Patients Are Falling

    Even as suicide rates have risen among Americans generally, one group appears to be bucking that trend: People diagnosed with cancer.

    Experts are crediting improved access to counseling and other "psychosocial care" with easing the emotional toll of cancer and keeping more patients from making tragic decisions.

    Nevertheless, cancer patients still face elevated risks for suicide, no...

    Cancer Patients Get Poorer Care at Hospitals Serving Minority Communities

    Cancer patients receive less effective treatment at hospitals that mainly serve minority communities, a new study shows.

    More than 9% of cancer patients are treated at hospitals where a significant percentage of patients are from minority groups, researchers say.

    Those patients are less lik...

    Could Tattoos Be Linked to Blood Cancer Risk?

    Research suggests that tattoo ink spurs inflammatory changes that might contribute to the development of lymphoma.

    The findings are early, however, and more study must be done to confirm any links between tattooing and the blood cancer, Swedish researchers stressed.

    “People will likely want to continue to express their identity through tattoos, and therefore it is very important t...

    Doctors May Have Tried to Treat Cancer in Ancient Egypt

    A 4,000-year-old skull provides evidence that ancient Egyptians might have tried to treat cancer, a new study claims.

    Microscopic observation of the skull revealed 30 or so lesions scattered across its surface that are consistent with cancer, researchers report.


    Combo Therapy Boosts Survival for Advanced Colon Cancer

    People battling advanced colon cancers might have a new treatment option that could extend their survival, a new trial finds.

    A combination of two experimental immunotherapy drugs plus standard chemotherapy led to a median 19.7 month survival for patients, compared to the median 9.5 months observed among folks who only got a targeted therapy called regorafenib.

     “These resul...

    Strategy Could Expand Stem Cell Donor Pool for People Battling Blood Cancers

    An older drug used in a new way could open the path for more patients with potentially deadly blood cancers to receive a lifesaving stem cell transplant, a new study finds.

    The drug, cyclophosphamide, could help patients receive a stem cell transplant even if the donor isn't a relative and only partially matches their blood type, researchers report.

    Blood cancer patients had a high ...

    HPV Vaccine Is Also Preventing Cancers in Men: Study

    Development and uptake of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine has been crucial in reducing rates of virus-linked cervical cancers in women.

    Now, the accumulated data suggests the vaccine is saving men from fatal cancers, too.

    Overall, men who got the vaccine [typically as boys]...

    Deadly GallBladder Cancers Rising Among Black Americans

    Gallbladder cancer rates are steadily increasing among Black Americans, even as they remain stable or decline for most other Americans, a new study warns.

    Further, growing numbers of cases among Black people are not being diagnosed until later stages, according to the f...

    Fertility Treatments Safe for Breast Cancer Survivors With Cancer-Linked Genes

    Fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other methods don't boost the odds for tumor recurrence in young women who've survived breast cancer and carry the BRCA cancer genes, a reassuring, new report finds.

    The issue had been in question because breast tissue can be sensitive to hormones and many assisted reproductive techniques (ARTs) involve a temporary boost...

    Most Cancer Treatments Near End of Life Are Useless: Study

    Cutting-edge cancer treatments are essentially useless for patients barely clinging to life, a new study shows.

    Chemotherapies, immunotherapies, targeted therapies and hormone therapies do not improve survival rates in patients with very advanced tumors near the end of life, according to findings...

    Plant-Based Diets Lower Risk of Heart Trouble, Cancer and Death

    Following a vegetarian or vegan diet might just buy you a longer, healthier life, a new review finds.

    Staying away from meat was tied to a reduced risk of heart disease, cancer and early death, researchers reported in a study published Wednesday in the journal PLOS One.

    After combing through nearly 50 studies on ...

    Report Highlights Big Gaps in Cancer Outcomes Based on Race

    U.S. cancer death rates are continuing to drop, falling by 33% between 1991 and 2020.

    However, not all Americans are reaping the benefits from advances in cancer prevention, early detection and treatment, a new report from the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) shows.

    Race, location and sexuality all play a role in cancer disparities across the United States, according ...

    Patients Over 80 Still Benefit From Treatment for AML Blood Cancer

    Seniors over 80 with acute myeloid leukemia can safely and effectively take the standard targeted therapy for the blood cancer, a new study finds.

    The oral drug venetoclax is typically given to older AML patients whose bodies can't handle the rigors of chemotherapy. The drug targets a protein in ...

    Melanoma Can Strike Black Americans, Often With Deadlier Results

    Melanoma, while rare among Black Americans, is often detected later with devastating consequences, a new study finds.

    Black people are frequently diagnosed with melanoma at later stages, increasing their risk of death compared to fairer-skinned patients, researchers found.

    Advanced stage 3 mela...

    His Cancer Journey Shows Health Dangers Firefighters Face

    For 14 years, David Perez fought fires in South Florida, thinking he was in peak physical shape. Then a routine physical turned up anomalies in his blood work that turned his life upside down.

    "The labs came back irregular. Everything was off," Perez, 44, recalled. “I went to a hematologist and it wasn't until I saw the word cancer on the side of the building that I realized I might hav...

    Cancer Patients Often Face Medical Debt, Even With Insurance

    When cancer strikes, you could easily go into debt, even with health insurance in place, according to a new survey from the American Cancer Society.

    The survey, based on responses from nearly 1,300 cancer patients and survivors from March 18 through...

    Telehealth Tougher When English Isn't First Language

    Telehealth is revolutionizing health care in America by making it easier than ever to reach a doctor – but not everyone is benefitting, a new study reports.

    People with limited English skills are more likely to have worse experiences with telehealth visits than people whose first language is English.

    Folks who struggle with English were 40% more likely to rate video health care vi...

    That 'New Car Smell' Could Be Toxic Carcinogens

    “New car smell” is a beloved benefit of buying a new vehicle.

    However, at least part of that scent could be due to toxic carcinogens released by flame retardants, a new study says.

    Flame retardant chemicals added to seat foam and other car components pollute the cabin air inside all personal vehicles, according to findings published in the journal Environmental Science &...

    A Third of Young Adults Still Believe 'Tan Is Healthier' Myth: Survey

    Brianna Starr, 29, didn't think twice about sunbathing without sunscreen, hoping to get a golden tan that to many connotes health and beauty.

    But when her sister was diagnosed with melanoma at the age of 19, she got serious about protecting her skin health, says

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 2, 2024
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  • Página completa
  • MRNA Vaccine Fights Deadly Brain Tumor in Small Trial

    An experimental cancer vaccine can quickly reprogram a person's immune system to attack glioblastoma, the most aggressive and lethal form of brain cancer, a small, preliminary study has found.

    The cancer vaccine is based on mRNA technology similar to that used in COVID vaccines, but in this case a patient's own tumor cells are used to create a personalized vaccine, researchers said.

    Americans of Pacific Island Ethnicity Have Up to Triple the Rate of Cancer Deaths

    Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander people have cancer death rates that are two to three times higher than they are in whites, new data shows.

    The first-of-its-kind report, issued by the American Cancer Society (ACS) on May 1, focuses solely on the cancer risk of Americans who've descended from regions along the Pacific Rim, the ACS said.

    Cancer is the second-leading cause of...

    EPA Clamps Down on Deadly Toxin Found in Paint Strippers

    A toxin found in paint strippers that's responsible for 85 U.S. deaths over the past five decades will be phased out for many uses, under an Environmental Protection Agency rule finalized Tuesday.

    The cancer-causing solvent methylene chloride will still hav...

    King Charles Returns to Duties After Cancer Treatment

    Britain's King Charles III is back to resuming his royal duties following treatment for cancer, Buckingham Palace announced Friday.

    "His Majesty The King will shortly return to public-facing duties after a period of treatment and recuperation following his recent cancer diagnosis," the Palace said in a

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • April 29, 2024
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  • Loneliness Can Shorten Lives of Cancer Survivors

    Cancer survivors in the throes of loneliness are more likely to die compared to those with companionship, a new study finds.

    Further, people who are the most lonely are the most likely to die, results show.

    “Loneliness, the feeling of being isolated, is a prevalent concern among cancer survivors,” said lead researcher

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • April 26, 2024
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  • Cancer Takes Tough Toll on Family Finances

    About six out of 10 working-age adults hit with a cancer diagnosis say it put real pressure on their financial survival, a new report finds.

    “Today's findings reiterate the critical role access to affordable, quality care and paid family medical leave plays in reducing the financial toll of can...

    EPA Designates Two 'Forever Chemicals' as Hazardous

    Two common PFAS "forever chemicals" have been deemed hazardous substances by the Environmental Protection Agency.

    The new designation, enacted under the country's

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • April 22, 2024
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  • Página completa
  • Urine Test Might Spot Head-and-Neck Cancers Early

    A newly developed at-home urine test could potentially help doctors catch head and neck cancers earlier, a new study suggests.

    The test looks for tiny DNA fragments sloughed off by tumor cells, which pass from the bloodstream into urine through the kidneys, researchers ...

    U.S. Medical Drug Shortages Reach Record High

    Americans are facing more shortages of the drugs they need for medical care than ever before, a national pharmacy database shows.

    The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHSP) and the University of Utah Drug Information Service started tracking drug shortages as far back as 2001.

    Their latest

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • April 15, 2024
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  • Página completa
  • Seafood Can Pass on PFAS 'Forever Chemicals,' Study Finds

    Cancer-linked 'forever chemicals' made news this week, with the Biden Administration vowing to cut levels in the nation's tap water.

    New research finds that the chemicals, known as PFAS, can also contaminate the seafood Americans eat.

    No one i...

    Preventive Mastectomy Less Common for Black Women With Breast Cancer

    Black women with cancer in one breast are less likely than white women to have the healthy breast removed as well, a new study has found.

    Women with cancer affecting one breast often elect to have the other breast removed, for a variety of reasons, researchers said.

    But it appears Black women are less likely to be afforded that option, particularly in hospitals that largely treat wh...

    EPA Cracks Down on Toxins Threatening Those Living Near Chemical Plants

    Are you one of the estimated 104,000 Americans who lives within six miles of factories that spew organic chemicals into the air?

    New rules issued Tuesday by the Environmental Protection Agency might make your life healthie...

    Can Older Patients With Low-Risk Leukemia Quit Seeing Specialists?

    Some slow-growing cases of leukemia don't need constant surveillance by cancer specialists, a new study claims.

    Low-risk patients with slow-growing chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and no symptoms fared well even after they stopped seeing doctors for specialized blood tests, researchers report.

    The patients had fewer hospital visits, fewer infections and similar survival after thr...

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