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Resultados de su búsqueda "Antioxidants".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 13

A diet rich in the antioxidants that leafy, green vegetables and colorful fruit deliver is good for your body, and now new research shows it also protects your brain.

In the study, people whose blood contained the highest amounts of three key antioxidants were less likely to develop all-cause dementia than those whose...

Eat right to protect your sight.

That's the advice of the Glaucoma Research Foundation, which offers its recipe for healthier eyes.

Glaucoma is group of eye diseases that cause progressive vision loss through damage to the optic nerve. It is the second-leading cause o...

A few cups of your favorite brew -- coffee or tea -- each day might help keep stroke and dementia at bay, a large new study suggests.

For close to 14 years, scientists stacked up coffee and tea consumption against the risk of stroke and dementia among nearly 366,000 healthy Brits between 50 and 74 years of age.

The researchers -- led by Yuan Zhang of Tianjin Medical University in Ti...

Homemade juices are a popular way for health-conscious people to get their veggies. But the juicing method of choice makes a difference, a recent study suggests.

Researchers found that three different techniques -- using either a blender or a low- or high-speed juicer -- produced beverages with different levels of antioxidants and various plant compounds.

But anyone hoping for a sim...

People who consume high levels of dietary vitamin C and E may lower their risk for Parkinson's disease by almost a third, a new study suggests.

Foods high in vitamin C include oranges, strawberries, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Foods high in vitamin E include spinach, collard greens, pumpkin and nuts such as almonds and peanuts.

How might the two nutrients ward off Parkinson's? A...

A green tea extract has shown early hints of promise against a serious, progressive form of lung disease, researchers say.

The disease is called pulmonary fibrosis, where scar tissue builds up in the lungs over time, limiting the amount of oxygen the body receives. Eventually, life-threatening lung failure can develop.

There are many types of pulmonary fibrosis, but the most...

Leeks may look like scallions grown out of control, but they can add subtle flavor to many dishes, from soup to sides.

Leeks are part of the onion and garlic family and are a good source of nutrients, including antioxidants. But unlike their cousins, leeks aren't usually eaten raw.

The first step in any leek recipe is to properly clean them. Cut off and discard the very dark...

Green tea is a popular health trend, with many people sipping it in hopes of deriving benefits from the brew.

There's nothing wrong with that, dietitians say -- green tea is a healthy drink loaded with antioxidants. But the jury's still out on many of its purported health benefits.

"Clinical trials related to green tea are still in their early stages," said Nancy Farrell All...

From positive effects on cholesterol levels to reducing the risk of heart disease and even some cancers, nuts are good for you.

Ounce for ounce, they are nutrient powerhouses with beneficial fats and plant protein. Many studies recommend eating 1-1/2 ounces of nuts a day, but which are best? High levels of nutrients put these at the top of the list.

Pistachios have an...

When it comes to healthy oils, extra virgin olive oil -- EVOO for short -- is the top choice for your healthy pantry.

Because it's the first press of the olives, extra virgin olive oil not only tastes better, but also has higher levels of antioxidants and other micronutrients that may help protect against diseases, from Alzheimer's to breast cancer. When you shop for EVOO, avoid imita...

Foods high in antioxidants -- like kale, broccoli and blueberries -- could be your ticket to better health, as long as you don't cook the nutrition out of them.

Some like it hot, but not the delicate pigments that give antioxidant-rich veggies their rich colors and health benefits. Choose cooking methods that provide gentle, quick or low heat. For instance, quickly sauteeing vegetabl...

Nuts and seeds are often mentioned in the same breath, but nuts seem to get all the attention. Time to stop overlooking seeds -- they might be tiny, but they pack in a lot of nutrients. They're also tasty and some make a filling snack.

Like nuts, seeds have protein, carbohydrates and fats. Because of their fat content, they're calorie-dense, and a half-ounce -- weighed without the she...

For nutrient-dense foods that are low in calories, it's hard to beat berries. But it's also hard to pay what they cost out of season.

Frozen berries are a healthy freezer staple that taste as good as fresh, and are a lot more budget-friendly.

Raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and cranberries (they're not just for cranberry sauce) are all superfoods -- low...