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Resultados de su búsqueda "Dieting To Control Cholesterol".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 22

Dietary fiber gets a lot of praise for helping people feel full and for lowering the risk of certain types of disease.

Yet many types of dietary fiber exist -- and they don't all work the same, according to a small new study.

"When you actually get down to it, fiber is incredibly heterogeneous. It's very, very different," said study co-author Michael Snyder, a professor and chair o...

Intermittent fasting is all the rage due to its potential health benefits, and now a new review shows this style of eating really does produce weight loss and may even improve certain markers of heart health.

Intermittent fasting is an umbrella ...

Americans in the prime of their lives are worried about the pounds they packed on during the pandemic and plan to do something about it in the new year, a new Harris Poll/HealthDay survey finds.

Nearly 2 of every 3 U.S. adults (63%) plan to change up their diet in 2022, either by eating less or cutting back on specific foods, poll results reveal.

Adults between the ages of ...

Margarine has gotten a bad rap for years, but a U.S. ban on partially hydrogenated oils may have made it a healthier choice than butter, a new study suggests.

Before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned such oils in 2018, margarine...

The Mediterranean diet can bring many benefits for the human body, including a healthier heart and a sharper brain.

But there's another benefit that might be of particular interest to men.

Following a Mediterranean diet can lower a man's future risk of erectile dysfunction, according to research presented online on Friday at the European Society of Cardiology's annual meeting.


If you're like many people, your waistline has expanded during the pandemic.

"The world shut down," said Heather Tressler, a registered dietitian at the Penn State Celiac Clinic at Penn State Health's Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. "Maybe you didn't change what you ate, but you became less active."

Lately, Tressler says she's seeing patients -- adults and children -- who have ga...

The eating habits of most American adults aren't in line with dietary guidelines that can reduce the risk of cancer, a new study finds.

Researchers examined data from nearly 31,000 U.S. adult participants in the annual National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

The analysis of what the participants ate in the 24 hours before completing the survey showed that about 63% to 73% ...

There's more evidence that a switch away from meat in your diet could cut levels of unhealthy "biomarkers" that encourage disease, researchers say.

A new study reported Saturday at the virtual European Congress on Obesity (ECO) found that people on vegetarian diets have lower blood levels of disease-linked biomarkers, such as "bad" (LDL) cholesterol and other factors.

Biomarkers can...

More than half of the food Americans eat is "ultra-processed" -- and it's making them sick.

Higher consumption of these highly processed foods is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and death, according to a new study, and yet they account for 58% of calories in a U.S. diet. Each additional serving increased the risk.

You might not even realize that a food yo...

For people who have livedoid vasculopathy, which causes painful ulcers on the feet and lower legs, new research may bring newfound hope.

The disease is a rare medical mystery with no known cause and no commonly accepted cure, according to researchers who outlined the case of a single patient whose condition seems to have been relieved by a whole-foods, plant-based diet. The findings were ...

No matter how many medications you take, eating a healthy diet, not smoking and getting plenty of exercise will help keep you alive, a new study finds.

"We've long known about the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle. The results from our study underscore the importance of each person's ability to improve their health through lifestyle changes even if they are dealing with multiple hea...

No doubt you've heard friends lament they couldn't eat bread because they were on the Keto diet, or maybe it was Paleo, or a low-carb plan or perhaps they were forgoing gluten. It's hard to keep track.

That's because lots of Americans are following a special diet. On any given day, about one in six Americans reports eating a "special" diet, a new U.S. government study finds.

A spec...

Whether you're stopping at a casual fast-food place or sitting down to eat in a full-service restaurant, eating out is an easy way to fill up when you're hungry. But those meals may not deliver much nutritional value, a new study suggests.

The researchers found that 70% of fast-food meals consumed in the United States were of poor nutritional value. For full-service restaurants, ...

Watching your cholesterol intake has gotten easier.

Nutrition experts now agree that certain foods high in cholesterol, like shrimp and eggs, don't have the impact on your blood cholesterol that was once thought. Even better, some foods can help lower your blood cholesterol level.

Walnuts have healthy unsaturated fats that help lower LDL -- that's the unhealthy type of chol...

New research offers a compelling case for staying in school: American adults who spent more time in the classroom as kids have a lower risk of heart disease.

"As a society, we should be thinking about investing in social policies to improve overall health and reduce health care costs," said study author Dr. Rita Hamad. She's an assistant professor of family and community medicine at ...

Despite an epidemic of childhood obesity, the cholesterol levels of American kids have been improving over the past 20 years, a new study shows.

Researchers found that since 1999, levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol among U.S. children and teens have declined, while levels of "good" HDL cholesterol have risen.

That's the good news, researchers report in the May 21 issue of the <...

As if you needed any more proof that fruits, vegetables and whole grains are good for you, a new study finds they may cut your chances of heart failure by 41%.

Conversely, the so-called Southern diet, which focuses on meats, fried and processed foods and lots of sweet tea, was tied to a 72% increased risk of heart failure.

"Eat more plants, limit red and processed me...

Eggs may not be all they've been cracked up to be.

A new study says eggs are a major source of dietary cholesterol and that cholesterol in the diet ups the risk of heart disease and premature death.

The researchers followed nearly 30,000 adults over three decades and found that eating three or four eggs a week was tied to a 6 percent higher risk of heart disease and an 8 perce...

Young adults who eat a heart-healthy diet may also be protecting their brain in middle age, a new study suggests.

It included more than 2,600 participants who were an average age of 25 at enrollment and followed for 30 years. They were asked about their eating habits at the beginning of the study and again seven and 20 years later.

They were grouped according to how closely ...

After indulging in big, rich, holiday meals, cholesterol levels go through the roof, Danish researchers report.

After Christmas, cholesterol levels jumped 20 percent from summer levels among the 25,000 people studied.

Your risk of having high cholesterol becomes six times higher after the Christmas break, the scientists said.

"Our study shows strong indications th...

For many, the start of the new year signals the start of a new diet. But what's the best way to eat if you want to lose weight?

For overall healthy eating, the best diet plan is the Mediterranean diet, according to U.S. News & World Report's annual diet review. The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet was ranked second on the magazine's overall Best Diets 201...