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Dehydration brings lots of risks -- including urinary tract infections (UTIs).

An expert offers some tips for avoiding these painful infections without sacrificing summer fun.

"Patients can experience more UTIs during the summer due to inadequate fluid intake, especially in the historic heat waves we've been experiencing,"said

Dozens of different spray products -- deodorants, shampoos, sunscreens, athlete's foot treatments -- have been recalled in recent months due to contamination with the cancer-causing chemical benzene.

Most recently, six Brut and Sure aerosol antiperspirants

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  • February 24, 2022
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  • British scientists have discovered what makes people stink.

    Blame an enzyme that hides in specific bacteria that colonize the human armpit.

    "Solving the structure of this 'BO enzyme' has allowed us to pinpoint the molecular step inside certain bacteria that makes the odor molecules," said co-author Michelle Rudden. She's a postdoctoral research associate in biology at the ...

    Giant dinosaurs, such as long-necked sauropods, evolved special cooling systems to prevent overheating and brain damage, according to a new study.

    "Small dinosaurs could have just run into the shade to cool off, but for those giant dinosaurs, the potential for overheating was literally inescapable," said study co-author Lawrence Witmer, a professor of anatomy at Ohio University in Ath...

    There's nothing more embarrassing than sweating profusely in public places, yet one expert says many people suffer through the humiliation for decades.

    At least 15 million people in the U.S. have excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). Yet, half of people with the condition delay the many effective treatments available for 10 years o...

    Danish researchers have sniffed out a potential new weapon to fight armpit odor.

    It's zinc oxide, or ZnO. The strategy was inspired by hospital wound care. Because putting zinc oxide on open surgical wounds reduces corynebacteria and the bad smell it creates, researchers thought it might also make an effective deodorant.

    The study authors said their small, early trial with 3...