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Resultados de su búsqueda "Sex: Disorders".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 11

Postmenopausal or peri-menopausal women are often hampered by vaginal dryness, which can put the brakes on a healthy sex life.

It doesn't have to stay that way, experts advised. Numerous products are available to help maintain vaginal lubrication.

"After and around the time of menopause, your body makes less estrogen," Dr. Cy...

For many women with breast cancer, struggles with sexual issues becomes a hidden burden, new research shows.

Because most patients don't feel comfortable talking over these issues with a doctor, many turn to online patient-support forums for advice.

The new study found that three-quarters of breast cancer patients admitted to some form of sexual dysfunction, most often vaginal dryne...

Shehzin Tietjen was 27 years old when she felt a lump in one of her breasts while in the shower.

That discovery led to a confirmation of breast cancer, an unexpected jolt at her age. "I was really shocked," said Tietjen, who lives in Atlanta.

Though breast cancer is more ...

When a man has cancer in an area that affects sexual function, his doctor is likely to discuss it with him.

But the same is not true for a woman who has cancer in a sex organ, according to new research. Investigators found 9 in 10 men were asked about their sexual health, yet only 1 in 10 women received the same care.

"There seems to be a big disparity in the way we approach sexual...

Men compelled to find myriad new partners and ways to have sex may be driven by high levels of the so-called "love hormone," oxytocin, new research suggests.

Oxytocin, which is produced by the hypothalamus and secreted by the pituitary gland, plays a key role in sexual behavior, and abnormal levels are believed...

Good sleep might be the best prescription for sexual satisfaction among older women, a new study suggests.

Women who did not routinely get restful slumber were nearly twice as likely to report sexual problems, such as lack of desire or arousal, researchers found.

"Sexual dysfunction…is defined as the presence of sexual problems associated with distress, and this relationship was s...

Menopause is known to bring a variety of unpleasant symptoms ranging from hot flashes to insomnia. Yet, for those who have a condition known as premature ovarian insufficiency (POI), it is much worse, researchers report.

The new study examined the impact of POI, in which ovarian function stops and leads to menopause before the age of 40.

The researchers investigated menopause sympto...

Many heart attack survivors worry that resuming sex too soon afterwards might trigger another attack. But new research suggests the opposite may be true.

Research out of Israel finds that resuming a normal sex life in the months after a heart attack may actually boost survival.

Lead researcher Yariv Gerber believes part of the benefit could lie in a person's mindset.


For women, a humdrum sex life might also mean an earlier onset of menopause, a new study suggests.

British researchers who tracked the sex lives and menopausal status of nearly 3,000 American women for a decade found that those who had less sex were more likely to begin menopause at an earlier age.

Women's bodies may react to a lessening of sexual activity on a "use it or lo...

Have scientists solved the mystery of the female orgasm?

As a team of researchers pointed out, during intercourse the male orgasm serves an obvious reproductive function: Without it, ejaculation can't happen.

But the reproductive role of female orgasm has been much less clear, because ovulation in humans occurs whether a woman has recently had an orgasm or not.

So ...

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday gave its approval to Vyleesi, the second medication so far approved to help women with low sexual desire.

In a news release, the FDA said that Vyleesi (bremelanotide) is a drug that would be administered by injection prior to having sex.

It's been specifically approved for premenopausal women with a condition known as acquired,...