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Results for search "Exercise: Football".

Health News Results - 56

Head injuries related to football might be tied to markers of dementia like brain shrinkage and decreased blood flow to the brain, a new study of former pro and college players reports.

The study looked at signs of injury to the brain's white matter, called white matter hyperintensities.

These are caused by red...

Former pro football players with symptoms of depression or anxiety are far more likely to receive an unverifiable diagnosis of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) than players without those mental health conditions, a new study reports.

Players with depression are 9.5 times more likely to be diagnosed with CTE, while players with both depression and anxiety are 12 times more likely, th...

Damar Hamlin has returned to practice with the Buffalo Bills after recovering from his sudden cardiac arrest during a game against the Cincinnati Bengals in January.

Hamlin, 25, said commotio cordis was the cause of his cardiac arrest.

"I died on national TV in front of the whole world,"Ha...

Many football fans fondly remember Rick Arrington as the Philadelphia Eagles' quarterback from 1970 to 1973, but his daughter's memories are tainted by years spent watching her dad suffer from late-stage chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

A degenerative brain disease found in athletes, military veterans and others with a history of repetitive brain trauma, CTE causes depression, suic...

Add high blood pressure to the list of problems associated with concussions among former pro football players.

Researchers at Harvard University's Football Players Health Study linked a history of concussions to elevated risk for high blood pressure among ex-NFL players.

The results suggest that treating former athletes who have both high blood pressure and a history of concussions ...

Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin has been released from a Buffalo hospital just nine days after he suffered cardiac arrest during a Monday night football game.

"Damar Hamlin has been discharged from Buffalo General Medical Center/Gates Vascular Institute," the Buffalo Bills team announced on

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • January 11, 2023
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  • Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin is now back in New York.

    The football player who collapsed on the field after suffering cardiac arrest during a Monday night game in Cincinnati has been released from an Ohio hospital, and will continue his recovery in a Buffalo hospital, the Buffalo Bills football team posted on

    Tackling drills are typically a staple of high school football practices, but new research suggests dropping them from training might cut the risk of head hits.

    Using mouth guards with sensors that recorded every head hit, researchers found players who spent 5,144 minutes in non-contact practice had just 310 head hits, while those who had nearly 7,000 minutes in high-speed training with c...

    American kids who are poor or members of ethnic minority groups are missing out on the youth sports that have long been touted for building strong bodies and strong character, a new study reports.

    It found that youngsters who are poor, or from Black or Hispanic households are less likely to take part in organized sports than their white peers.

    Across the U.S., 54% of 6- to 17-year-o...

    College football players live longer than those who didn't play, but they suffer more brain-related issues as they age, a new study finds.

    Among former Notre Dame football players, being physically fit was tied to lower deaths from heart disease and diabetes. But the former players were five times more likely to have impaired thinking and memory ("cognition") and 2.5 times more likely to ...

    As sign-ups for youth football get underway this spring, a new study reveals that Americans may love their football, but half now believe that kids should not play the tackle version of the game.

    The researchers found that of nearly 4,000 U.S. adults surveyed, only 45% agreed that tackle football is an "appropriate sport for kids to play." Half disagreed, while the remaining 5% were unsur...

    The National Football League's COVID protocols will be lifted immediately under a deal reached between the league and its players association.

    The agreement makes the NFL one of the first major sports leagues to take such action, CBS News reported.

    The decision is based on "encouraging trends regarding the prevalence and severity of COVID-19, the evolving guidance from the ...

    Many parents struggle with the decision to let their kids play tackle football or other contact sports due to the risk of concussions and long-term brain diseases that may occur with repeated head blows.

    Now, new...

    NFL players are four times more likely to die of Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS) than other people, new research finds, adding to known links between football-related head injuries and brain diseases, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

    And the longer they played football, the greater their risk, the new study found.

    ALS, or

  • Denise Mann HealthDay Reporter
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  • December 16, 2021
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  • Repetitive head hits are common in football, and they're also linked to debilitating brain injuries.

    But rendering a definitive diagnosis typically means waiting for autopsy results after the player has died.

    Now, a new study suggests that brain scans can reliably spot troubling signs of sports-inflicted neurological damage while a person is still alive.

    The research also show...

    NBA great Michael Jordan had a special ritual he would follow before every free throw: He would assume a shoulder-width stance, spin the basketball in his hands, bounce the ball three times, and then spin the ball once more while focusing on the rim before finally taking his shot.

    Now, new research suggests similar routines could improve your sports performance, whether you're an amateur ...

    Some parents may worry about whether playing high school football might put their kids at risk for depression and suicidal thoughts in adulthood, but new research suggests they can relax.

    It included more than 2,300 U.S. males who enrolled in the study at average age of 15 and were assessed again at an average age of 29. At the start of the study, about 28% of the participants said they p...

    COVID-19 shouldn't keep budding athletes on the sidelines. But it's critical to keep them safe from the coronavirus while playing sports.

    The National Athletic Trainers' Association has some timely tips.

    COVID vaccines for those 12 and older have been a game changer for many families. Being fully vaccinated can make returning to sports safer, the association said.

    But for kids...

    COVID-19 outbreaks among unvaccinated NFL players could result in forfeited games and loss of pay, the league announced Thursday.

    The policy sends a strong message about COVID-19 vaccines and is likely to be followed by others in the United States, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious diseases expert, told CBS News.

    The NFL has pushed players to get vaccinated, bu...

    Here's some good news for aging athletes: If you played high school football, you're no more likely than others to have problems with concentration, memory or depression in middle age, according to a new study.

    "Men who played high school football did not report worse brain health compared with those who played other contact sports, noncontact sports, or did not participate in sports dur...

    In some reassuring news for professional athletes, a new study finds very few develop inflammatory heart disease after being infected with COVID-19, and most can safely return to play.

    In fact, of nearly 800 professional athletes who had tested positive, less than 1% were barred from returning to play because of heart damage from COVID-19, researchers said.

    "These findings reinforce...

    The position played in sports like football and hockey isn't associated with risk of a concussion-linked brain disease later in life, a new study suggests.

    The number of years played doesn't affect risk of the neurodegenerative disease -- chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) -- either, researchers found.

    CTE has been linked with repeated blows to the head. Symptoms include behavio...

    A lot of people will be watching the Super Bowl this Sunday, but not everyone will be equally excited about it.

    A new study that considered the influence of gender and sexuality on sports fandom found that though 9 of 10 Americans say they enjoy sports at least a little, heterosexual men most commonly identify as passionate fans.

    In the study, about 60% of heterosexual men reported ...

    College football players suffer more concussions and head hits in practice than they do actually playing the game, a new study suggests.

    Across five seasons of football, 72% of concussions and 67% of head impacts incurred by players on six National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I teams happened during practice rather than on game day, researchers found.

    The inciden...

    States with strong football cultures have often fumbled measures to protect young players who've suffered concussions, researchers say.

    They analyzed youth concussion laws introduced by states between 2007 and 2014, specifically guidelines requiring a 24-hour delay before sending a player with a possible concussion back onto the field.

    The researchers found that states with college ...

    There are a number of ways that young athletes can maintain their conditioning while away from their sports during the coronavirus pandemic, an expert says.

    "Although competitive practice or play isn't an option for most right now, athletes should create and stick to a routine, just as if they were with the team. A conditioning routine should incorporate cardiovascular movements, weight a...

    Many former National Football League (NFL) players who took opioid painkillers early in their retirement still used them nine years later, a new study finds.

    The researchers also found that those who continued to use opioids were more likely to report moderate to severe depressive symptoms and low mental health-related quality of life.

    Long-term opioid use among former NFL p...

    Playing tackle football at an early age doesn't determine how quickly college players recover from a concussion, a new study finds.

    "Because football is a very physical game and concussions can occur, it has been hypothesized that playing at an early age may interfere with neurodevelopmental growth and increase a person's vulnerability to neurological problems later in life," said re...

    The odds are not good for college football conferences that have decided to press forward with their fall season despite the coronavirus pandemic, experts say.

    The Big 10 and PAC 12 have decided not to play sports in the fall, but the SEC, the Big 12 and the ACC say they will proceed with college football while still keeping players safe from the coronavirus.

    "I do predict, be...

    Despite the fame and fortune that comes with being an elite athlete, new research finds that Black NFL players are much more likely than their white peers to be in poor health once they retire.

    After surveying nearly 3,800 former pro football players, investigators found that Black players say they are 50% more likely to struggle with chronic disabling pain than white players, and...

    Want to live longer? Take the stairs, stretch or toss a volleyball around, a new study suggests.

    Those activities were among several tied to lower rates of early death in an Arizona State University study of nearly 27,000 U.S. adults between 18 and 84 years of age.

    Researchers wondered which of the more socially oriented exercises -- such as team sports -- contribute to lon...

    Sports fans are itching to watch their favorite teams return to play, but are jam-packed arenas even remotely safe in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic?

    For Glenn Rall, chief academic officer and a virologist at the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, the answer isn't simple.

    "There are inherent dangers," he said. "And the rational decision may simply be that, no, w...

    Restarting professional sports with fans in attendance may not be a good idea as it may increase COVID-19 deaths, a new flu study suggests.

    Cities with pro teams appear to have more flu deaths than cities without them, which may be important as the NBA, NFL and other leagues consider playing games while the coronavirus pandemic continues, researchers say.

    Several profession...

    The brain damage that may occur in football players has received a lot of attention in recent years. But a new study suggests that former players who get a diagnosis of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) when they're still alive may well be getting the wrong diagnosis.

    CTE can only be diagnosed with an autopsy, the researchers explained. Other conditions could cause the symptoms ...

    Your Super Bowl party this Sunday may leave you feeling beat on Monday morning, a new survey finds.

    A survey from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that nearly 40% of U.S. adults are more tired than usual the day after the Super Bowl.

    "It's easy to stay up too late after enjoying a night of football, food and friends," said academy President Dr. Kelly Carden...

    You're not likely to find any studies linking heart disease and NFL coaches - just a long list of familiar names.

    Among them: Mike Ditka of the Chicago Bears, who had heart attacks in 1988 and 2018. Bill Parcells of the New York Giants and other teams, who needed bypass surgery in 1992. Dennis Green of the Minnesota Vikings and Arizona Cardinals, who died of complications of cardiac ...

    Jon Dorenbos was swimming with sharks in Bora Bora when he realized he kept losing his breath. During his 14-year NFL career, he'd never experienced anything like this.

    "It felt like I would drown," Jon said.

    A month later, in August 2017, Jon was traded from the Philadelphia Eagles to the New Orleans Saints. During a physical required to seal the deal, the physician heard...

    New research on concussions reports mixed news for kids playing high school sports.

    The good news? Concussions are down during football practices. And the number of recurrent concussions is down in all sports.

    The bad news? Concussions are on the rise during high school football games, and football continues to have the highest concussion rates in high school sports.


    The more years football players play the game, the higher their odds of developing the degenerative brain disease known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a new study finds.

    Adding to the growing evidence of the link between football and CTE, samples from the brains of dead pro and amateur players showed the risk for CTE went up with playing time.

    "While we don't yet...

    Former NFL star Tedy Bruschi spent the last 14 years showing what a stroke survivor could do: continue playing pro football, climb Mount Kilimanjaro, run the Boston Marathon.

    Now Bruschi is showing what a two-time stroke survivor can do.

    Bruschi had his second stroke on July 4. Since then he's run a 7-mile road race, and every Sunday during the NFL season he'll appear on E...

    Tim Tyrrell talks about football like a man who loved every minute of his six years in the NFL. He relishes stories of the devastating hits he leveled. He's proud of the way he could get knocked out, shake it off and get right back into the game. He loved the "ridiculous" intensity of two-a-day practices, the steak-and-egg breakfasts before games, and more.

    He's 58 and says his healt...

    Pro football players who had long careers at key positions are more likely to have concussion-related problems such as confusion, memory loss, depression and anxiety, a new study finds.

    In a survey of nearly 3,500 former NFL players (average age 53), 1 in 8 (12%) reported serious cognitive problems. That compares to about 2% of the general U.S. population.

    Age didn't...

    Low testosterone is not something most people typically associate with NFL players.

    But repeated concussions from professional football appear to be damaging the sex life of players, causing erectile dysfunction and lowering their levels of the male hormone, a new study claims.

    "The guys at the highest level of concussion were almost twice as likely to report erectile dysfu...

    The length of time that NFL players are sidelined after a concussion has tripled in the past two decades, a new study finds.

    Researchers analyzed data from the 2012-2015 pro football seasons. They found that the players who suffered a concussion returned to play an average of 19 days later, which means they missed about 1.5 games.

    Data collected between 1996 and 2001 showed ...

    It is an annual rite of summer: sending young men out on football fields across America in the sweltering August heat for grueling practice sessions designed to prepare them for the coming season.

    But a new study shows the ritual can be costly if players are pushed too hard. It is the most common way players die of non-traumatic injuries in high school and college football.


    Concussions are bad news for the brain, but what about the less damaging hits to the head that are the nuts and bolts of contact sports? Do they also pose a threat?

    The brain scans of 38 college football players suggest the answer is yes.

    Over the course of a single season, the players collectively absorbed almost 20,000 hits. Only two of those were actually concussions. Yet...

    Just how dangerous is American football?

    Pretty dangerous, a new analysis claims.

    Repeated exposure to head trauma during play often causes significant brain damage, researchers report. That damage then gives rise to neurological disease, which then boosts the risk for dementia by the time players reach middle-age and beyond.

    The conclusion follows autopsies perfor...

    Could the rugby way of tackling lower the risk of concussions in American football?

    A new study claims it could, by reducing the force of head impacts.

    "For athletes who participate in a sport that involves a tackle or direct contact, adapting a rugby-style tackle where the players lead with their shoulders, not their heads, could make college sports safer," said study autho...

    Former pro football players typically have healthier hearts than the average Joe -- except when it comes to a type of heart rhythm disturbance, a new study suggests.

    Researchers found that former NFL players had a nearly six times higher rate of atrial fibrillation (a-fib), versus other men their age. The condition was present in 5% of 460 former players, versus 0.5% of nonath...

    Brian Duncan doesn't know why his brain still works as well as it does.

    Duncan, 67, got his bell rung more than once during his life -- as a professional football player, an amateur boxer and a bull rider at Texas rodeos.

    He remembers one time he got slammed into the ground by L.C. Greenwood, a 6-foot, 6-inch defensive end for the Pittsburgh Steelers, so hard that he halluci...