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Resultados de su búsqueda "Lupus".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 32

Lupus is caused by a specific defect in the immune system that can be reversed, potentially curing the autoimmune disorder, a new study claims.

The disease appears to be caused by malfunctions in an immune system pathway that regulates cells' response to environmental pollutants, bacteria and toxins.

Insufficient activation of this pathway, controlled by the aryl hydrocarbon recepto...

People with autoimmune disorders such as lupus, type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis tend to have fewer children, and women with this class of illnesses often have higher risks for complications of pregnancy, new research shows.

Researchers in Finland compared pregnancy and childbirth outcomes for the roughly 8% of Finnish adults who have some form of autoimmune disorder to people wit...

Women are much more prone than men to develop autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and lupus.

Now, researchers have come up with a potential explanation for that -- one that's rooted in genes that drive a person's gender.

The female body has a complex means by which it handles the additional X chromosome, and it appears this process also renders some wom...

Flare-ups of the autoimmune condition lupus may be caused by growth of a particular gut bacteria, researchers say.

This knowledge could potentially lead to new and more successful treatments to prevent these flares, they added.

These recurrent bouts of systemic lupus erythematosus, where the body's immune systems attacks its own tissues, were strongly linked with blooms of the gut ...

Pregnant women with lupus face potential complications, including a greater risk of premature birth, according to a new U.S. study.

A 10-year audit of hospital records found that these women have more than twice the risk of giving birth to a baby who is premature or growth-restricted. The audit also found that blood transfusions are nearly four times more likely for moms-to-be with lupus,...

Skin conditions may be the first sign that a person has a rheumatic disease that will also affect the joints, muscles or ligaments.

It's essential to know what to look for, said Dr. Kathryn Dao, an associate professor of internal medicine in the Division of Rheumatic Diseases at UT Southwester...

While there's no cure for lupus and treatments don't work for many of the 1.5 million people who live with the disease in the United States, a new study shows a cancer therapy may kick hard-to-treat lupus into remission.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the body's immune system engages in friendly f...

People with autoimmune disorders like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis who suffer a heart attack are more likely to die or develop severe heart-related complications in the aftermath, a new study shows.

A heart attack creates more serious health consequences in those patients than in those who aren't battling an

  • By Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • September 15, 2022
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  • An experimental drug that has been shown to treat rashes in people with lupus may also help with lupus-related joint pain.

    Affecting as many as 1.5 million people in the United States, lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system misfires against its own joints, skin, brain, lungs, kidneys and blood vesse...

    Research has linked heart disease to specific autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Now, a huge study shows that autoimmune diseases as a group increase your chances of developing heart ills.

    Autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus and type 1 diabetes occur when the body engages in friendly fire against its own organs, tissues, ...

    An experimental new pill could boost treatment of the autoimmune disease lupus, researchers reported at the American Chemical Society's annual meeting.

    The pill has been shown in mouse studies to inhibit lupus symptoms, reverse signs of organ damage, and prevent death,

  • By Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • August 25, 2022
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  • Página completa
  • People with lupus benefit from a COVID-19 booster shot after full vaccination, with a new study showing they are half as likely to experience a COVID infection afterward.

    "Our study results offer people living with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) clinical confirmation that vaccines are highly effect...

    There is no cure for lupus yet, but new genetic research may at least point to new treatments for the chronic disease.

    An international team of researchers has identified a gene mutation linked with lupus. An autoimmune disease, lupus causes organ and joint inflammation, fatigue and a number of other problems. I...

    Taking vitamin D supplements may help stave off psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and other autoimmune diseases, a new study suggests.

    Previous research has hinted at this connection, but the new study is the first randomized controlled trial to look at what happens when people are given vitamin D supplements and followed to see if they develop an

  • Denise Mann HealthDay Reporter
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  • January 27, 2022
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  • Página completa
  • COVID-19 vaccines trigger antibody production in most people who have weakened immune systems, but a new study reveals that their responses are weaker than in healthy people.

    "Some of our patients have been hesitant about getting vaccinated, which is unfortunate because they are at increased risk of having more severe cases of COVID-19 if they happen to get infected, compared to those not...

    In a first, researchers have used genetically tweaked immune system cells to send a woman's severe lupus into remission.

    The treatment -- called CAR T-cell therapy -- is already approved in the United States for fighting certain cases of blood cancer. It involves removing a patient's own immune system T-cells, genetically altering them to target the cancer, then infusing them back into th...

    An experimental antibody therapy may help ease skin symptoms from the autoimmune disease lupus, a small preliminary trial suggests.

    Researchers found that a higher-dose version of the drug spurred a "clinically meaningful" symptom improvement for 87% of patients after one month.

    But they also stressed that the findings are based on a small "phase 1" trial - a type of study designed ...

    More Asian and Hispanic people with lupus die prematurely than white patients, a new study reveals.

    Death rates in San Francisco were nearly six times higher than expected among Hispanic patients with lupus and four times higher than expected among Asian women with lupus, the researchers found.

    The higher death rate among racial and ethnic minority groups might result from more seve...

    Just over 200,000 Americans have the autoimmune disorder lupus, and minority women are at highest risk, according to a new study.

    It's the first estimate of how widespread the disease is in the United States. The number comes close to reclassifying lupus as a rare disease, defined as an illness affecting 200,000 Americans or fewer, the researchers said.

    "Our study potentially redefi...

    Adding a newer drug to standard therapy might help control kidney complications caused by the autoimmune disease lupus, a new clinical trial suggests.

    The researchers found that adding the drug, called belimumab, improved patients' likelihood of responding to treatment. That meant a reduction in protein in the urine -- a tell-tale sign of kidney inflammation -- and no significant loss...

    People with lupus aren't at increased risk of hospitalization from COVID-19 due to steroidal medications they take to reduce immune system activity, a new study finds.

    And a related study found that people with inflammatory forms of arthritis -- such as rheumatoid arthritis -- aren't more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 than people without arthritis.

    Both studies wer...

    A drug used to treat lupus and malaria -- hydroxychloroquine -- reduced by half the risk of a potentially fatal heart condition in newborns who were at high risk for it.

    The condition -- known as congenital heart block (CHB) -- results in a dangerously low heart rate.

    "Our study shows hydroxychloroquine as the first, safe, and highly effective drug for preventing pregnant wom...

    A drug championed by President Donald Trump as a coronavirus panacea appears to be in short supply for people who really need it: lupus patients.

    More than one-third of U.S. lupus patients who take hydroxychloroquine have struggled to fill prescriptions for the drug during the COVID-19 crisis, a new survey finds.

    One patient finally filled her prescription after three weeks ...

    Hydroxychloroquine is a key therapy for the autoimmune disease lupus, but interest in it as a potential COVID-19 treatment could make it hard for lupus patients to obtain, experts warn.

    Hydroxychloroquine is the only medication known to increase survival in patients with systemic lupus. That's the most common form of lupus, a disease in which the immune system attacks different parts ...

    Skin rashes in people with lupus may have high levels of disease-causing bacteria that can spread to other people, according to a new study.

    Researchers found that half of rashes in patients with lupus had abnormally high levels of Staphylococcus aureus (or staph), a common bacteria associated with skin infections.

    That means "the person with the rash is a carrier for...

    Taking their medications as prescribed significantly lowers lupus patients' risk of developing diabetes, a new study finds.

    Type 2 diabetes is a common complication of lupus, an autoimmune disease that can cause damaging inflammation in many organs, as well as rashes, fatigue and joint pain.

    For the new study, researchers analyzed four years of data on nearly 1,500 lupus pat...

    People suffering from the autoimmune disease lupus might soon have a new drug to turn to, a clinical trial suggests.

    Anifrolumab is a lab-created antibody that blocks type 1 interferon, a biochemical that activates an immune response in humans, explained lead researcher Eric Morand, head of the Monash Health School of Clinical Sciences in Melbourne, Australia.

    The new drug t...

    One in three people with lupus uses opioid painkillers even though there is little evidence that they reduce the pain of rheumatic diseases, a new study finds.

    "Rheumatic diseases, such as lupus, are a leading cause of chronic pain," said lead author Emily Somers. She's an associate professor of rheumatology, environmental health sciences, and obstetrics and gynecology at Michigan Med...

    A new survey shows that rheumatic diseases can be crippling both physically and financially as patients struggle to live with the debilitating conditions.

    According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 54 million U.S. adults and as many as 300,000 children are living with a rheumatic disease. This includes conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, gout, osteoa...

    Lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease that attacks the skin, joints and organs, can shorten the lives of its victims, but new research shows it can shorten the lives of black patients the most.

    Health data from two counties in Georgia found that black people with lupus have an average age at death of about 52. Meanwhile, white people with the disease live an average of around 65 years.<...

    Lupus patients who had difficult childhoods have higher disease activity, worse depression and poorer overall health than those with better childhoods, a new study finds.

    Bad childhood experiences included abuse, neglect and household challenges.

    The study included 269 lupus patients in California. Of those, about 63% reported at least one type of bad childhood experienc...

    An imbalance in the gut "microbiome" of people with lupus may be driving the chronic autoimmune disease as well as its flare-ups, new research suggests.

    The microbiome is the trillions of helpful bacteria that coexist in the human digestive tract and elsewhere in the body.

    Comparing gut bacteria from lupus patients with bacteria from their healthy peers, scientists learned t...