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Results for search "Love / Sex / Relationships: Misc.".

30 Sep

What Do Families Fight About the Most? Interesting Answers from a New Study

From arguing about money to fighting over household chores, a new study looks at the top reasons American families are living with conflict.

26 Aug

There Are Many Types of Love, But One Fires Up Your Brain a Lot More than Others

Researchers used functional MRI to measure brain activity for different types of love from parental love to sexual adoration.

Health News Results - 30

Not 'Out of Your League': Folks Tend to Marry People as Attractive as They Are

People largely date and marry people in their own "league,"as far as beauty is concerned, a new review finds.

Men and women are fairly accurate at rating their own physical attractiveness, and they tend to choose mates who have similar views of their own beauty, researchers report.

For example, fellows who rated themselves as attractive tended to date ladies with similar self-rating...

1 in 3 Men Open to Having More Than One Partner. Women, Not So Much

Being in a marriage or long-term relationship typically includes promises of monogamy, but new research shows a surprising number of folks, mostly men, are open to the idea of having another person in the mix.

Fully one-third of men in the United Kingdom are open to the idea of having more than one wife or long-term girlfriend, while only 11% of women would want someone else in their rela...

Opposites May Not Attract After All, Study of Millions of Couples Finds

There's an adage that in romantic relationships, opposites attract. Now, a large, new study confirms that just like many old sayings, it's wrong.

In an analysis of about 200 studies involving millions of couples, researchers came to the conclusion that there is little behind the claim that opposites attract. If anything, the one about birds of feather flocking together is much closer to t...

No 'Beer Goggles': Drinking Doesn't Make Others Seem More Attractive, Study Finds

Many a person has blamed "beer goggles" following a regrettable one-night stand, but a new study suggests that there's no such thing.

Rather, alcohol acts more like "liquid courage," according to findings published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs -- you become more likely to approach ...

Intimate Relationships a Factor in 1 in 5 Suicides

One in five people who die by suicide experienced intimate partner problems that included divorce, separation, arguments and violence, new research shows.

"I think people hear the term intimate partner problems and go straight to intimate partner violence. That is a component of intimate partner problems, but it's not just about violence,"said study author

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • April 20, 2023
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  • Healthy Relationships Could Bring Healthier Bodies, Study Shows

    Close relationships -- and whether your experiences within those relationships are positive or negative -- could influence your physical health.

    New research found that the way you feel about your close relationships may affect the way your body functions.

    "Both positive and negative experiences in our relationships contribute to our daily stress, coping and physiology, like blood p...

    Looking for Love on V-Day? All That Swiping May Not Help

    If you're one of the millions seeking The One this Valentine's Day, here's a tip: Try swiping less.

    This is the main message from a new study that found excessive swiping on dating apps can cause partner choice overload, among other issues.

    "Dating apps may giv...

    Kisspeptin: Is Injected Hormone the Remedy for Flagging Libido?

    If you are one of the millions of people distressed by low libido, help may be on the way in the form of a new hormone shot.

    Two new British studies suggest that injections of the hormone kisspeptin could boost sexual desire in men and women. When folks with low sexual desire received kisspeptin shots, areas of their brains charged with feeling sexual desire lit up on scans when they...

    Is Oxytocin Really the 'Love Hormone'? Rodent Research Raises Doubt

    The "love hormone" oxytocin might not play the critical role in forming social bonds that scientists have long believed, a new animal study suggests.

    Prairie voles bred without receptors for oxytocin display the same monogamous mating, attachment and parenting behaviors as regular voles, according to researchers.

    "While oxytocin has been considered 'Love Potion No. 9,' it seems that...

    People in Open Relationships Face Stigma, Research Shows

    Even though roughly 1 in 5 Americans has been involved in an "open"relationship at some point in their lives, new research cautions that many end up bearing the brunt of stigmatizing and stressful disapproval.

    The finding stems from a pair of fresh investigations: The first found that roughly 40% of men and women who participate in "consensually non-monogamous"relations report being ...

    Can Sex Trigger an Asthma Attack?

    Much like intense exercise, vigorous sex can trigger an asthma attack in folks with the chronic lung disease, according to new research.

    "There is a lack of current literature available on the prevalence of sexual intercourse presenting as exercise-induced asthma," said study author

  • Denise Mann HealthDay Reporter
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  • November 10, 2022
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  • 'First Impression' Factors That Matter When Dating Turns to Love

    When it comes to love, first impressions matter.

    But what exactly fuels the flames of romance?

    It turns out that compatibility and popularity are two of the key factors shaping who people pursue as potential partners, a new speed-dating study suggests.

    "Although we expected that compatibility would be an important factor, we were amazed to find that compatibility was just as s...

    Bad Marriages Put Heart Attack Recovery in Peril

    A bad marriage can break your heart -- literally.

    Heart attack survivors in a stressful relationship are more likely to have a rocky recovery, a new study reports.

    "We found there's an independent association between severe marital stress and worse outcomes within their first year of recovery," said lead research...

    Who's Got the Strongest Sex Drive, Men or Women?

    Perhaps to no one's surprise, new research has determined that men do, in fact, have a much stronger sex drive than women.

    After reviewing more than 200 studies, investigators "found that men consistently report a higher sex drive," said study author Julius Frankenbach, a doctoral student of psychology at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany.

    En masse, the

  • Alan Mozes HealthDay Reporter
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  • October 26, 2022
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  • Vaginal or C-Section, Method of Childbirth Won't Affect a Couple's Sex Life Later

    Childbirth shouldn't put any dent in your future lovin', regardless of the way your baby was delivered, new research assures.

    Sexual enjoyment isn't affected at all by method of delivery in the years following childbirth, according to a study involving the mothers of more than 14,000 babies bor...

    Spouse Getting Weight-Loss Surgery? Your Marriage Might Be in Trouble

    People who have weight loss surgery often see improvements in type 2 diabetes and other diseases, but these surgeries and the lifestyle changes they require can also have spillover effects on other aspects of life, including relationships.

    Compared to the general U.S. population, folks who have weight loss s...

    Smells Like Friendship: Similar Body Odors May Draw Folks Together

    You and your best friend may have your noses to thank in helping bring you together, a new study suggests.

    Researchers found that pairs of friends who'd just "clicked" upon meeting tended to smell more alike, compared to random pairs of strangers. What's more, a high-tech electronic nose was able to predict, based on body odor, which strangers would hit it off during their first interacti...

    Singles or Couples: Who Sleeps Better?

    You might think that having the whole bed to yourself would leave you feeling more refreshed in the morning than sleeping with someone who might toss, turn or snore.

    Yet, a new study suggests that adults who share their beds with a partner have less severe insomnia, less fatigue and more sleep ...

    A Lover's Embrace May Calm Women More Than Men

    Is an upcoming final exam or big-time job interview stressing you out?

    Hug your honey.

    That's the takeaway from new research that showed how embracing your significant other can help calm women.

    But sorry, guys, the same isn't true for you, according to the study published May 18 in the journal PLOS ONE.

    "As a woman, hugging your romantic partner can prevent t...

    Fewer Adults With ADHD Have 'Excellent' Mental Health

    Two in five adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder say their mental health is excellent, which is significantly lower than people without the disorder, but still an encouraging finding, according to the authors of a new study.

    Their analysis of a Canadian government mental health surve...

    Sex in the Senior Years: Why It's Key to Overall Health

    Lovemaking isn't just for the young - older people gain a lot of satisfaction from amorous relations as well.

    But things get complicated as people age, and many folks let this important part of life drift away rather than talk about sexual problems with either their partner or their doctor, experts told HealthDay Now.

    "Not many people talk about sex with their doctors, espe...

    Valentine's Chocolates May Do Your Heart Good - Really

    Giving dark chocolate to your sweetheart on Valentine's Day may be a win-win emotionally and physically, an expert suggests.

    But it's important to keep any potential health benefits in perspective, noted Lizzy Davis, an assistant professor of nutrition sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

    "What is healthy for one person may not be healthy for another," she said in a ...

    Breakup, Then Breakdown: Men Can Crumble Mentally When Romance Ends

    There's some bad news for lovelorn men this Valentine's Day.

    A new study has found that men are at an increased risk of mental illness after the breakdown of any romantic relationship. And, it found, stereotypes of masculinity may be partially to blame.

    Researchers sought to understand the types of mental health challenges men face after a breakup with an eye to preventing or blunti...

    Could the 'Love Hormone' Help Drive Sex Addiction in Men?

    Men compelled to find myriad new partners and ways to have sex may be driven by high levels of the so-called "love hormone," oxytocin, new research suggests.

    Oxytocin, which is produced by the hypothalamus and secreted by the pituitary gland, plays a key role in sexual behavior, and abnormal levels are believed...

    Fragile Male Egos Have Many Women 'Faking It' in the Bedroom

    A trio of new studies are confirming what millions of women already know: Reacting to your man's insecurities can have you pretending the sexual satisfaction you do not feel.

    The more a woman thinks her partner's ego is fragile, the more likely she is to protect those feelings and fake orgasms -- and then be less satisfied with the sex they do have, researchers discovered.


    Many Teens Don't Realize STD Risks From Oral Sex: Poll

    Many American teens and young adults underestimate the risk of sexually transmitted infections from unprotected oral sex, and that's especially true of young men, a new survey shows.

    Doctors say oral sex can transmit herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, HIV and human papillomavirus (HPV), which can lead to cervical cancer, and head and neck cancers.

    While there is an

  • Robert Preidt
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  • February 2, 2022
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  • Spit Test: Saliva Alerts Babies to Close Relationships

    Sharing food and smooching are two ways babies can suss out whom they can depend on to take care for them, a new study suggests.

    The tell-tale clue common to both is a surprising one: saliva.

    "Babies don't know in advance which relationships are the close and morally obligating ones, so they have to have s...

    Could Face Masks Make You Better-Looking?

    Want to look more alluring? Wear a mask.


    That's the takeaway from Welsh researchers who found that masking up may make men look more attractive to the opposite sex and that some kinds of masks do a better job of this than others.

    "Research carried out b...

    Unlucky in Love? It Can Damage Men's Health, Study Finds

    Men who are broken-hearted or just unlucky in love could be more likely to have health-damaging inflammation, new research suggests.

    Serious breakups and solo living for many years may increase the risk of ill health and death -- but apparently only for men, according to the researchers behind a new Danish study.

    "Small numbers of breakups or years lived alone is not in itself a ri...

    Social Media Tied to Higher Risk of Depression

    The latest in a spate of studies investigating links between use of social media and depression suggests the two go hand in hand.

    "The relationship between social media and mental health has been the subject of a lot of debate," said Dr. Roy Perlis, lead author of the new study. He's director of the Center for Experimental Drugs and Diagnostics at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston....

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