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Results for search "Hormones: Female".

Health News Results - 47

Exposure to ubiquitous chemicals known as PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, may delay puberty in girls, new research indicates.

The study is the first to consider the role hormones play in the delay, according to researchers from the University of Cincinnati.

Delayed puberty can lead to negative long-term health outcomes for girls, such as a higher incidence of breast ca...

Being exposed to more estrogen throughout life -- or a longer reproductive life span -- may be good for the brain, according to new research that found a lower risk of cerebral small vessel disease in women who had more cumulative exposure.

Cerebral small vessel disease happens from damage to small blood vessels in the brain. It can increase the risk of thinking impairments and dementia....

Moms with higher prenatal levels of plastics chemicals known as phthalates may face a slightly increased risk of postpartum depression, according to a new study.

Postpartum depression affects up to 20% of new mothers, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health. That makes it the most common post-delivery pregnancy complication.

The NIH's Environmental Influences on Child H...

Let's talk about menopause and its impact on your sex life. We all know that this phase of life can bring about some changes, like a lower sex drive and vaginal dryness. But here's the thing: you don't have to suffer through it. In this article, we will break down how menopause affects your sexual experiences, share some medications and self-care tips that can make a real difference, and give y...

Chemicals found in plastic personal care products, kids' toys, and food and drink packaging could be raising the risk of type 2 diabetes among women, new research suggests.

To study the impact of these chemicals, known as phthalates, researchers followed just over 1,300 U.S. women for six years to see if exposure contributed to the incidence of diabetes.

About 5% of the women devel...

Mood swings. Hot flashes. Night sweats. Bad sleep. These are all debilitating symptoms of menopause, but now new research suggests they can start long before a woman stops having periods.

"Women in the late-reproductive stage who are menstruating regularly but noting changes in cycle length or duration may experience many symptoms typically associated with the menopausal transition,"said ...

A hormone therapy commonly used to prevent preterm births probably isn't effective, a new study reports.

Doctors have been prescribing vaginal progesterone treatments to help at-risk pregnant women delay delivery for as long as possible, researchers said.

But a new study involving more than 1,600 pregnant women with a history of early delivery revealed that vaginal progesterone had ...

Intermittent fasting has taken off as a way to lose weight without having to limit types of a food a person eats.

But there was little research on how eating only during a few hours of the day and then only drinking water might affect female reproductive hormones.

A new study shows that while hormon...

Estrogen loss during menopause may worsen women's pain from a jaw disorder, a new study warns.

Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) causes pain in the jaw joint and affects an estimated 4.8% of U.S. adults, or about 12 million people.

Some estimates suggest that as...

Lower levels of sex hormones might be tied to tears of the shoulder's rotator cuff in men and women, a new study suggests.

Among women with low levels of estrogen, researchers found the odds of a rotator cuff tear were 48% higher, compared with women with normal estrogen levels. Among men, the ...

Although Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has deemed it "child abuse," access to "gender-affirming" services cuts the odds of severe depression and maybe even suicide among transgender teens, a new study finds.

Investigators came to that conclusion after tracking the mental health of 104 transgender and nonbinary kids, aged 13 to 20. Over a year, roughly two-thirds received puberty blockers, gender...

Transgender people get greater mental health benefits if they start gender-affirming hormone treatment when they're teens instead of waiting until they're adults, a new study finds.

"This study is particularly relevant now because many state legislatures are introducing bills that would outlaw this kind of care for

  • Robert Preidt
  • |
  • January 14, 2022
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  • Pregnant women who use hair dyes or straighteners may have relatively lower levels of pregnancy-supporting hormones, a recent study suggests.

    Researchers found that among more than 1,000 pregnant women they followed, those who used certain hair products -- dyes, bleaches, relaxers or mous...

    When a woman's periods begin to slow down and finally stop, digestive problems often pick up -- and new research suggests race and ethnicity play a role.

    With menopause, levels of estrogen decrease, while cortisol levels increase, triggering an adrenaline boost that changes digestive function. It can set off symptoms such as bloating, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, indige...

    An experimental hormone therapy pill can effectively stall the progression of breast cancer, even in older patients whose tumors have mutated to make such therapy less effective, new trial results show.

    The drug elacestrant reduced the risk of breast cancer progression and death by 30% in postmenopausal patients whose cancers were fueled by the female hormone estrogen, compared to people ...

    A key to reduced Alzheimer's disease risk in women could be how much of the hormone estrogen they're able to stockpile over the years, new research suggests.

    Certain lifetime choices -- such as having more children, taking hormonal birth control or taking hormone therapy during menopause -- mean that a woman has greater cumulative exposure to estrogen during her lifetime. A longer nu...

    The number of Americans diagnosed with "broken heart" syndrome has steadily risen in the past 15 years -- with the vast majority being women, a new study finds.

    The condition, which doctors call stress cardiomyopathy, appears similar to a heart attack -- with symptoms such as chest pain and breathlessness. But its cause is entirely different: Experts believe it reflects a temporary weakne...

    Treating polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) -- the most common hormone disorder in women of child-bearing age -- is costly.

    In 2020, diagnosing and treating this disorder cost an estimated $8 billion in the United States, according to a new economic ana...

    Women with a history of migraine headaches may suffer severe hot flashes during menopause, and this combo may boost their risk for heart disease, researchers say.

    Migraine doesn't cause more or worse hot flashes -- or vice versa. But both are believed to be related to changes in blood vessels known as neurovascular dysregulation, according to Dr. Stephanie Faubion, medical director of the...

    Transgender people have double the odds of dying early compared to folks whose identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth (cisgender), a long-term study finds.

    And the added risk did not decrease over time, according to an analysis of data collected from more than 4,500 transgender people in the Netherlands between 1972 and 2018.

    Study author Martin den Heijer said the ris...

    Millions of women who take hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to ease their transition through menopause may be unknowingly upping their risk for asthma.

    The concern follows a study that spent more than two decades tracking a potential link between HRT and late-onset asthma among roughly 380,000 Danish women.

    Two New York City physicians who were not involved in the study said the fi...

    Women on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopause go on to have a 58% lower risk of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative conditions, a new study finds.

    Although the study wasn't designed to prove cause and effect, the findings could point the way to new treatments for such diseases, according to the researchers.

    "This is not the first study on the impact of hormone...

    Women battling infertility are often given medications to help them conceive, and potential side effects are always a concern. Now, research suggests use of the drugs won't raise a woman's odds for breast cancer.

    Researchers at King's College London in the United Kingdom analyzed studies from 1990 to January 2020 that included 1.8 million women of all reproductive ages who underwent ferti...

    Being obese or overweight can increase the odds of developing several types of cancers, new research from the United Kingdom reveals.

    But shedding the excess pounds can lower the risk, researchers say.

    Reducing obesity cuts the risk for endometrial cancer by 44% and uterine cancer by 39%, and could also prevent 18% of kidney cancers and 17% of stomach and liver cancers, according t...

    Many women older than 70 can safely receive fewer treatments for early-stage breast cancer, a new study suggests.

    Researchers found that adding lymph node removal or radiation to women's treatment did not seem to cut their risk of a breast cancer recurrence, which was low overall.

    The findings, experts said, support existing recommendations to "de-escalate" those procedures for many...

    Monitoring blood pressure is important for transgender people, according to new research, which found changes in systolic blood pressure after the start of gender-affirming hormone therapy.

    Transgender men and transgender women have a higher burden of heart attack, stroke and related conditions, the study noted.

    Gender-affirming hormone therapy isn't new. Doctors have prescribed the...

    High blood pressure is often dismissed as part of menopausal symptoms in older women, experts say. And that could raise a woman's risk for heart trouble, European experts warn.

    That warning, along with recommendations on how doctors can help middle-aged women avoid future heart problems, is included in a European Society of Cardiology (ESC) consensus document published Jan. 27 in the...

    Menopause is known to bring a variety of unpleasant symptoms ranging from hot flashes to insomnia. Yet, for those who have a condition known as premature ovarian insufficiency (POI), it is much worse, researchers report.

    The new study examined the impact of POI, in which ovarian function stops and leads to menopause before the age of 40.

    The researchers investigated menopause sympto...

    Most transgender women can safely continue their estrogen treatments during gender-affirming surgery, a new study finds.

    Estrogen therapy and surgery can increase the risk of blood clots, so experts have suggested that transgender women stop taking the hormone when having gender-affirming surgery.

    But the sudden loss of estrogen was sometimes very uncomfortable, causing symptoms sim...

    More women with early-stage breast cancer may be able to safely skip chemotherapy after having surgery, according to initial results from a major clinical trial.

    The trial, conducted in nine countries, found that adding chemotherapy to hormone-blocking drugs brought no added benefit to a particular group of patients. Those were postmenopausal women with hormone-sensitive breast cancer tha...

    Women with asthma may suffer fewer severe symptom attacks if they are on birth control pills, a large new study suggests.

    The study of more than 83,000 women with asthma found that those who used birth control pills for at least three years tended to have fewer severe flare-ups.

    The difference between pill users and non-users was small, and the findings do not prove a cause-and-effe...

    Many transgender people who take hormone therapy have unaddressed risks for heart disease and stroke, a new study finds.

    These patients often have undiagnosed high blood pressure and high cholesterol, even in young adulthood, researchers found.

    "Previous research has shown that transgender individuals are less likely to have access to health care or to utilize health care for a vari...

    Could birth control pills build a bulwark against asthma?

    New research suggests that hormonal contraceptives, which alter the natural ebb and flow of female hormones, may do just that.

    A study of more than half a million women in the United Kingdom found that those who used hormonal contraceptives -- be it pills or patches or shots -- had a significantly lower risk of develo...

    Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) might be able to break the cycle of recurring urinary tract infections in some women, a new study reports.

    Women taking HRT for symptoms of menopause tend to have a greater variety of bacteria in their urine, including larger amounts of the healthy Lactobacillus-type bacteria known to protect against urinary tract infections (UTIs), researchers...

    Women have more Alzheimer's disease-related changes in the brain than men, and this may be linked to hormonal disruptions at menopause, researchers say.

    "About two-thirds of people living with Alzheimer's are women, and the general thinking has been it's because women tend to live longer," said study author Lisa Mosconi of Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City.

    "Our findin...

    New research adds to a growing body of evidence that suggests men are far more vulnerable to severe COVID-19 than women are.

    Although both genders fall ill in the same numbers, men are 2.5 times more likely to get severe disease and die, the study from China showed.

    The finding comes as scientists in New York and California are starting to test a novel hypothesis that sex ho...

    People sometimes refer to menopause as "the change of life," but many women are surprised that one of the things that changes is their skin, an expert says.

    "Although fluctuating hormones during menopause can result in a number of skin changes, these don't need to be disruptive to daily life," said New York City dermatologist Dr. Diane Berson. "With the right care, women can continue ...

    When pregnant women use cosmetics containing parabens, their children may have a greater likelihood of becoming overweight, a new study suggests.

    Parabens are chemicals that have long been used as a preservative in cosmetics and body care products. A number of studies have suggested that parabens mimic estrogens in the body and may disrupt the normal function of hormones.


    Suppressing puberty in a child who's questioning their gender identity might seem extreme, but the therapy is relatively safe and could significantly lower their risk of suicide, a new study reports.

    Adolescents who wanted and received puberty suppression were 60% less likely to have considered suicide within the past year and 30% less likely to consider suicide throughout lif...

    A small, preliminary study suggests that a brain area called the hypothalamus appears to be about 6% smaller in women who use birth control pills.

    But exactly what that means isn't yet clear. In this study, women on the pill had statistically significant increases in anger. Researchers also found a possible link with depression symptoms.

    The good news: They didn't see ...

    Women, if you're bothered by frequent hot flashes, it may be more than a mere annoyance.

    New research offers evidence that frequent or persistent hot flashes are linked to higher odds of heart attack and stroke. The finding stems from a 20-year study of about 3,300 women during menopause.

    Of those women, 231 had a heart attack, stroke or heart failure.

    Women who ha...

    Researchers are exploring fertility preservation in transgender women. And while they say there are no guarantees, they report it's possible to start producing sperm after stopping drugs that suppress maleness.

    In a new case report, researchers found one of two patients produced sperm after discontinuing her puberty-halting medication. However, the other patient wasn't able to produc...

    Transgender women on gender-confirming hormone therapy have increased odds of breast cancer, but the overall risk is low and not as high as it is for the general female population, a new study finds.

    Trans women are those who were declared male at birth but identify as female.

    Previous research has shown that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) increases breast cancer risk in ...

    Cases in which a newborn's genitals make it unclear whether the child is a boy or girl may be more common than once believed, researchers say.

    One example of what's known as ambiguous genitalia is a baby girl with an enlarged clitoris that looks more like a small penis, the study authors explained.

    In some cases, infants have external sex organs that don't match their intern...

    In vitro fertilization (IVF) is widely used in the United States to help infertile couples have children. But there are a number of things people should know when considering it, an infertility specialist says.

    "Many factors … can affect the success of an IVF cycle, but many people view IVF as their safety net that ensures they can have a child anytime," said Dr. Rashmi Kudesia...

    A new study suggests that the fewer menstrual periods a woman has in her lifetime, the higher her risk of dementia -- though the reasons, for now, are unclear.

    The study was based on close to 16,000 women. It found that those who started having periods at age 16 or later were more likely to develop dementia than women who started menstruating at a more typical age.

    The same ...

    Many women turn to hormone therapy to ease some of the more troubling symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and night sweats.

    But new research suggests that relief may come at a cost -- an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease.

    The study found that women taking hormone therapy had a 9 percent to 17 percent higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. In women who beg...